What is Wakamiti?

Basic knowledge
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the basics of Cucumber, Gherkin and Behaviour-Driven Development methodology.

Wakamiti is a Cucumber-inspired tool written in Java. The main purpose of this application is to do blackbox testing using natural language.

Just like Cucumber, you can define your tests using natural, human-readable language by adopting the Gherkin grammar, for example. Wakamiti does not bind the steps to its test code. Instead, the steps are bound to a re-usable, common purpose code provided by external plugins.

Therefore, Wakamiti can be a convenient tool if your goal is to test your system using standardized protocols such as REST web services or JDBC connection, which tend to be a high percentage of the tests written for most applications. Furthermore, test code is not required so, even if you are not a programmer, you can define and execute your own tests.

Other features provided by Wakamiti are:

  • Two-layered Gherkin: you can use Gherkin's grammar at two levels of abstraction. One focused on customer communication, and other targeted to system details.
  • Fully localizable: use Wakamiti in your own language by providing Wakamiti a translation file.
  • Easily extensible: write your own plugins for any extension point (steps, reporters, language parsers, etc) and share them with the community.
  • Alternative launchers: you can execute Wakamiti as a JUnit test suite, a Maven verify goal, or a console command.

Wakamiti is a tool, not a framework. It is not meant to replace Cucumber. In fact, you can use both when needed!