Groovy steps

This plugin provides a groovy class compiler and steps for groovy code execution.


Include the module in the corresponding section.



The groovy compiler will attempt to compile any file with .groovy extension present in the working directory (or subdirectory). All libraries used in .groovy files must be included in the Wakamiti core, or in the configuration wakamiti.launcher.modules.

These groovy files can be used as a provider of additional steps.


We create a file called where we define a new step:

custom.step=the user's password {name:text} is retrieved

We create a file called CustomSteps.goovy where we develop the new step:

package example

import es.iti.wakamiti.api.annotations.I18nResource
import es.iti.wakamiti.api.annotations.Step
import es.iti.wakamiti.api.util.WakamitiLogger
import imconfig.Configurable
import imconfig.Configuration
import org.slf4j.Logger

class CustomSteps implements StepContributor, Configurable {

  private static Logger log = WakamitiLogger.forName("es.iti.wakamiti.example");
  private String username
  private String password
  void configure(Configuration configuration) {
    username = configuration.get("credentials.username", String.class).orElse(null)
    password = configuration.get("credentials.password", String.class).orElse(null)

  @Step(value = "custom.step", args = ["name:text"])
  def customStep(String name) {
    if (name == username) {"Hello, {}! Your password is {}", name, password)
      return password

We include this new class in the configuration wakamiti.nonRegisteredStepProviders of Wakamiti, and add the properties with the sample credentials:

    - example.CustomSteps
    username: user
    password: s3cr3t

We create an example.feature file with the custom step:

Feature: Custom steps example
  Scenario: Test
    When the user's password 'user' is retrieved

When executed, it would be shown in the log:

[e.i.w.c.r.PlanNodeLogger.logStepResult]   INFO -  [ PASSED ]  When the user's password 'user' is retrieved (0.011) 
[e.i.w.example.CustomSteps.customStep]   INFO - Hello, user! Your password is s3cr3t


Execute code

(that) the following groovy code is executed:

Runs the given groovy script with the available variables:

  • ctx: Context of the scenario. This is a container with the id of the scenario, the results of the different steps, and any other variables you add.
  • log: Wakamiti logger to debug the script.


Name Wakamiti type Description
data document required Script content


Scenario: Example
  When the following groovy code is executed:
    ctx['a'] = 'something'
  And the following groovy code is executed:
    log.debug("Context: {}", ctx)
    assert ctx.results[0] == 2
    assert ctx.a == 'something'
    assert == 'ID-01'

Dynamic properties

Groovy property

Get the result of executing a line of groovy code, using the syntax ${=[expression]}, where [expression] is the groovy code to be executed. This expression also includes the variable ctx.


We have the following scenario:

Scenario: Example
  When the SQL script file 'data/${}/script-${=new Date().format("yyyyMMdd")}.sql' is executed

Assuming today is 2023-09-20, when executed, it would resolve as:

Scenario: Example
  When the SQL script file 'data/ID-01/script-20230920.sql' is executed